Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Marketing Presentation at CWG Conference Live 2011

I posted on the Catholic Writers Guild blog during the conference and show, as well as updating my experiences here. I am still unpacking and reorganizing, especially since I lost Saturday to travel delays. I am happy with what I accomplished at the conference: I think my efforts to tell the story of the English Reformation are better known in the Catholic writing and publishing and marketing community. One lady referred to the "hubbub" about my book!

Reaction to my presentation was most gratifying. I briefly felt some trepidation since I am still new to the entire publishing and promoting world, but I think it actually worked to my advantage. I submitted the title for my presentation as "How to Market a Non-Fiction Book to Catholic Audiences", but then explained at the beginning of my presentation that I would be more descriptive than prescriptive.

I broke my talk into six parts:

I. Purposes of Writing, Selling, and Marketing Supremacy and Survival: How Catholics Endured the English Reformation

II. Some "Opportunities"

III. Marketing Plan: Successes and Failures

IV. Timing and Relevance

V. Budget and Impact

VI. Summary and Application

One lady--whose name I should know (perhaps she will see this, forgive me, and remind me!)--told me my presentation was honest and direct. I think my discussion of failures and limitations struck a chord. Like many others there, writing and promoting my work is an avocation for me, not a full-time job. I shared my concerns about justice to my employer, about limitations on time and travel opportunities, about not always getting the message about the English Reformation out to selected audiences, media, or venues, etc. And yet, I also expressed the satisfaction of reaching those who do tell me that hearing about the English Reformation, the English Catholic Reformation Martyrs and the survival of Catholicism in England has an impact in their lives.

I concluded my presentation after the Q&A with a litany:

St. Thomas More, Pray for Us
St. John Fisher, Pray for Us
St. Edmund Campion, Pray for Us
St. Anne Line, Pray for Us
St. Margaret Ward, Pray for Us
St. Margaret Clitherow, Pray for Us
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us
Our Lady of Walsingham, Pray for Us

I certainly hope to attend the conference/show next year!

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